gift flick Integration to Shopify

We are still working on Shopify Apps. Therefore, Shopify integration still require copy and paste the code to your site.

However, Integrating gift flick into your shopify website is pretty simple. Please follow the below steps. If you require anything more specific, please contact us at

  1. You will need to contact us to create account and setting up simple gift creation design. Our team will guide you through the process
  2. Copy and paste the gift flick script to product.liquid and checkout page.
    Please use "Development" code for testing. We are using different key for production and development


    <script src="" async="true"></script>


    <script src="" async="true"></script>
  3. Add gift flick script to product.liquid

    Themes -> Action -> Edit Code

    Themes -> Template -> product.liquid
    add js. snippet to the end of the file.

  4. Add gift flick script to checkout page

    Settings -> Checkout -> scroll to Additional script
    add js. snippet to the end of the file. please see the example below.